Our Foundation
We confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ over politics.
- We acknowledge God’s Word, the Holy Bible, as the absolute authority upon which our principles rest, and we recognize it as a blueprint for political action.
- We covenant together with other believers to work in the cultural and political arena, demonstrating our faith in God and thus avoiding being unequally yoked in secular political alliances.
- We require party members, leaders and nominees for public office to meet Biblical and constitutional qualifications, and we hold them accountable to these standards.
Our Message
We shine the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into political affairs.
- We recognize the Gospel as an inherently public message for the whole nation.
- We redefine the political debate from “liberal vs. conservative” to “Christian faith vs. unbelief.”
- We promote the necessity of Christ-centered solutions for America.
Our Strategy
We disciple the nation for Christ.
- We work to restore a comprehensive Biblical worldview among Christians.
- We mobilize many Christian individuals and families to be rebuilders at the local level, developing a sure foundation from which to launch state and national candidates.
- We build a body of Christian statesmen who understand the times and can provide essential godly leadership.
Our Hope
We exalt the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- We seek “to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”
- We aspire to give American Christians a vision of reforming their nation for Christ.
- We desire His Kingdom to come and His Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
The Premise of Our Work
The Word of God ==> Principles ==> Platform ==> Program
Our Program is two-pronged:
- Exposing Humanist Foundations, and
- Unveiling Gospel Answers